
Dinner at Mamak

All of us have nasi goreng ikan masin with telur dadar and seafood tom yam at as subuh restaurant at saujana puchong. We're happy. ♥

Shopping for media player

We bought the noontec media player. Its good u know. We're satisfied. ♥

Berjaya times square trip

Just keeping as memory.


She's out of my league

Last night, i watched this movie on tv3. It was so funny. Although it was far from reality, i just love the story.

You can fulfill your dream and go for the gold.

Molly (Alice Eve) is a sexy event planner who is delayed by a sleazy airport security guard. Another security guard, Kirk (Jay Baruchel) comes to her rescue, and passes her through to catch her plane. Luckily, Kirk finds Molly's phone that she left behind, and from the plane, Molly calls her phone and invites Kirk to a party to return her phone when she returns. Kirk is smitten by Molly, but his friends point out to him that he doesn't have a chance, because he is only rated as a "5" and Molly is definitely a "10". And as everybody knows, you can only date a girl who is only "2" above your score, so that means Kirk can only successfully date a "7". However, Molly has something else in mind, because she has found that Kirk is sweet, amusing, honest, and different from the men she has been dating. Kirk, on the other hand, has one big insecurity problem; Kirk believes Molly will dump him as soon as she realizes her mistake. Under these circumstances, and everything working against Kirk and Molly, is it possible for them to build a relationship that will bloom and flourish? 

This is an unlikely love story that is a really sweet romantic comedy. You would think that it is a women's movie, but it actually is a guy's movie, because it gives the "5s" of the world the belief that they have a chance to catch and have a relationship with a "10". The trailers portray that there are a lot of raunchy sex scenes in the movie, but actually, it is more your imagination then the real thing. The story does show and prove that a person with low self esteem will have a hard time in life fulfilling his dream. Hopefully, people who saw this movie will take this lesson of life to heart and go for the gold, or in this case a "10". Jay Baruchel's performance as the quirky geek was right on target, and Alice Eve's portrayal of Molly made her very likable. Both actors characterization of the low self-image problem was very believable. This is one of those hilariously funny love stories that could be a sleeper hit. I laughed throughout the whole movie, and left the movie in a happy mood.

Douglas Young


My dear wallet

One time ago, my aunt bought me this pink and blue wallet. It is pretty n girly n i like it. It is big but trust me, there is almost no money in it cz i am not working. I hope n always pray i can get a job in a near future. I want to hv my own money. N i want to pay all the debts i have like the study fees. I want to be an adult!

Riding a Toyota

Look at what i have got in the back of my seat. The cats n the rabbits in their carriers. We went back to Pahang. It was a long journey. And the cats never stop meowing straight at my ears. What an experience.

Having brunch at Jerantut

That time, my uncle wanted to bank in some of his cash money. I dont remember before or after that, we have our brunch at the food stall nearby. Look at what we were having. Just some rice n fried catfish n some rebung gravy, but they were totally pricey. We were very shocked and i think that was the one first n last time we eat there.

Hungry for KFC

Currently, I am hungry i can eat a horse? Just looking at these pics make me even hungrier. Dont u?

My old laptop

See, this old guy is now almost 6 to 7 years old. And still, he's alive and can be use. Alhamdulillah.

My village

I already miss my village house. Since we seldomly went back to the place, i know the house is full of mouse now. For a long time, nobody live there anymore. What can i do.

At a junction

These signboard are located at a junction near my village. We used to wait here for my uncle to buy some food from the night market. The cucuk2 was what i was waiting for.

Parking lesson

These are the parking lesson. I stole a chance to take this pics. Not gonna miss a thing. They will never be forgotten insyaallah cz i am going to apply them a lot in the future. In my preve? He.

The cake guy

This is the cake guy stall. Everytime my family went to this night market, his cakes are our one must buy thing. They are yummy tasty n delicious i tell u. The cakes' texture are very light and soft. You will find no excuse to eat them again again n again, trust me. I dont know how to contact this guy to book some wedding cakes in the future. He has no card or no contact number at all. The mystery guy.

Free yam ice cream

Last month, i went to a night market near my house. My aunt bought many cakes from a cake guy. Then, we got this free ice cream each one of us. Thank you sir. I ate the ice cream while walking at the night market. "Nice" behaviour isnt it. Just like a small kid.

Birthday celebration

This is my parents birthday cake. Killing two birds witb one stone. Brilliant isnt it. Mom, dad, happy belated birthday. See u when i see u. Okay.

Sausage rolls

One night, my family hv this sausage rolls as our dinner or supper. They are simple to cook but yummy. My aunt said i should make this a lot whrn i hv kids bcz kids must really love this sausage rolls.

My youngest brother's pets

One time ago, my youngest brother ueed to hv a cat and her kittens as his pet at home. He really love that cat n kittens. But after all he is just a small kid. He dont realky know how to takes care of kittens. Day by day, his pet the kittens were missing in action. I guess they just go away to other neighbours home to look for food as i am sure that my brother dont feed them well and according to schedule daily. He must hv skipped or forgot to feed the cats a meal or meals. I dont know. He said that he is sad for losing them. Poor boy.