
What are tips for single people

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

I know most of us have been single for a while or for a long time. Here are tips for people like us. Huhi.

1. Dont let yourself to be alone. Dont be alone. Maybe what you need is some time to be alone, but actually, you need a company. When you let yourself to be alone, you are prone to get stress and depression problem.

2. Reward yourself with something that is interesting. You should realize that you are greiving inside. If you are greiving, there's nothing you can do. Thus, you should reward yourself with something which are cheerful and interesting.

It can be like going to a new place far from your home. That might helps reducing your lonelines. Or, buy a priced thing to yourself as a reward, bcz you manage to be single.

Some prayer for single ppl:
“Rabbi laa tadzarnii fardaw wa anta khairul waaritsiin” (QS. Al-Anbiyaa’ [21]:89)
Meaning: "O god, pls dont let me living alone, and you are the best heir/inheritance."

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading! :)

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