
Who is the ideal man for you

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

In searching of your soulmate, there are some ways and tips or guides to determine that someone is really an ideal guy for you.

So girls out there please dont rush, dont do wrong judgement, not necessarily the boys who talked or texted you once means he is the one for you.

Please make sure they do 10 of the listed below before you can give your trust and love them.

1. Really eager to know your needs, your life, your wishes and your future.
2. Be able to follow your rules and be careful with them.
3. Contacts you immediately after getting your contact number.
4. Paying your lunch.
5. Come on time when promised to meet.
6. Introducing you to his friends or family.
7. Agrees to attend your relatives gathering or colleagues events.
8. Can come to your house and meet your family and bring some gifts to cheer the gathering.
9. Be able to supports and protects his own family like a true man.
10. Want to have an exclusive relationship and agrees to date with you alone.

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