
Are you a crazy neighbour

Assalamualaikum and good evening everybody.

Do you have a crazy neighbour? I have.

I live in a neighbourhood in Puchong Guangdong China. We live in a two storey terrace house. More or less i can say that every family has small kids. What makes me annoyed is when the kids yell like crazy whenever they want including during youre sleeping. It is very nervewrecking. They also play like monsters. We can hear the sound of their steps thumping on the floor. What a nightmare.

Not just that, one of my neighbour, the father of the kids is also very noisy. He likes to scold his kids to the top of his lung. I believe, i am not the only person who can listen to his devilish loud voice. It is not common actually, because his kids is only little at the age of 5 or 4 years old. He shouldnt yell like that. Or else it will effect his child's mind. I believe when the child is bigger, his child will scold him back bcz it is the way the kid was raised. That suits him. Haha.

Other than that, my other neighbours always do renovation to their house. Very loud and irritating noises we can hear. We can hear the sound of drilling, the sound of mosaic been cut, the sound of somebody wrecking the wall. It is very stressful. My ears sore. We have no peace at all living here in town.

I also have neighbour who have big dogs but never let them out and never walk with the dog. Just imagine the consequence would be. The dog is so stressful and too bored. Following that, the dog become a hot tempered dog and not friendly at all. The dog barks whenever and at whoever come through. The dog also barks in the middle of the night too. Trust me it is very disturbing.

Moral of the story, when we live in a neighbourhood, please be sensitive to other people. Mind our civic manners. Please please please i'm begging you guys.

Thats all folks. Thank you for reading.


  1. tq singgah blog saya...yeah i can imaging neigbor yg mcm ni....erm xpeka langsung dgn org lain.hidup dlm komuniti kena lbh sensitif...:)

    1. Slm. Hai. Tq sbb mencemar duli. Tq sbb tinggal komen. Welcome3. Tu lah stress kn dpt jiran pelik2. Slm blogging. (:


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