
How to be a good mother

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

First of all, dont be a hot-tempered person, dont be mad at all times, dont scold people or your child easily.

Be supportive, patience and open-minded. Be friendly. Be a friend to your child. Dont be their enemy. Make your child in league with you.

Dont pamper your child too much like all the time. Teach them to be disciplined person like be punctual. The earlier they be prepared the better it is.

Make them finish their work or homeworks. Teach them to be responsible. Teach them to be neat and healthy. Dont forget to teach them to read quran and to hold on to religious principles.

Dont cut the entertainment at home like tv, radio, internet, astro, novels or games. Just control them to not waste their time in vain. Prof Muhaya also once said that after doing hard work we need to listen to songs 1% of our time, to release our stress.

Why cant we cut the entertainment at home? Because we dont want our child to find happiness outside with their friends which we dont really know. Dont let them socialise too much. It is good to be antisocial actually.

Make your child to be good at their study by sending them to tuition or providing the education material like books, stationaries, and good food. Encourage them to love reading.

Tell and make them to be excel at study and religion so they can have a better life in the future.

Lets think and happy working on it. Thats all for now, thank you for reading.

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