
An English language activity by Teacher Ben Bradshaw

After a small introduction of myself and where I am from, I begin: “Today I am going to help you improve your English. I have heard that many of you, although only 10 or 11 years old, are very good in English. So today we are going to focus on your spoken skills! I know that each and every one of you has learned English since you started school and some of you may speak English with your families. I am confident that your reading and writing skills are fairly good! So today I want to focus on your speaking and listening skills. Are you ready?”

“YES!” the students scream in unison. Their response was so quick and loud that I see it as a sign that they must have understood everything I just said. Their listening skills are already up to par. Now time to test their speaking skills.

“Great. So rule number one with me is only speaking English! If I hear you speaking Malay, Chinese, Tamil, or anything else, you are in big trouble! Rule number two is that you cannot be shy and cannot make fun of other students! Now everyone, pretend you have a hat on. This is your ‘shy hat’ as I call it. I want all of you to follow me.” I lift my hand to the top of my head and pretend to be taking off a hat. “Now, take off your shy hat, and throw it out the window!” I yell as I make a throwing motion towards the window. The students laugh as they follow my lead and throw their ‘hats’ out the window. I glance around the room and try to read the students faces, hoping that they are ready for the activities I have planned.

“Let’s start out with a game! Games are fun right? Each of you is sitting in a row. That row is your team. Now stand up. The game is called ‘two truths and one lie.’ Everyone in the team will take turns telling three things about themselves. Two of them will be true and one will be a lie. I will start: My name is Ben. I have blue eyes. I love eating onions.  Now guess which one is a lie!”

“The onions!” one of the students yells out from the back.

“That’s correct. OK, now your turn! Everyone take turns telling two truths and one lie with your group.”

The students seem confused a little at first but at least a couple of students per row understand what I have said. Those that understand motion to the other students to stand up and begin to explain the instructions again.

“Remember, everything is in English!” I reiterate over the microphone.

Welcome to my FB


Hello everybody. Wishing you guys happy!
I am launching my FB today. Yes, hihi!
I am inviting you guys to come and check out my FB anytime.
Come, dont just look, add me, do like, and leave your comments too.

That's all. Thank you for reading. Keep in touch!

Misz Ti.


Why jogging is good


There are several advantages of jogging:

1. Losing weight
Jogging helps us to lose weight - The amount of calories burned depends on weight and body type, respectively. But usually, if a woman who weighs 55kg go jogging for 30 minutes, she will burn 230 calories. Thus, if you jog regularly, and keep your nutrition, weight loss is a sure thing.

2. Strengthening cardiovascular immune
When we jog, our arteries expand and contract 3 times more frequently than when we stand still. This helps strengthen the cardiovascular system and keeps our blood circulation more smoothly. Jogging has proven to lead to heart health - research shows jogging can increase HDL cholesterol (the good kind) in the body, improve the elasticity of the arteries, reducing the accumulation of plaque in the blood vessels and lowers blood pressure.

3. Slows the aging process
Increasing in age usually involves loss of muscle strength and bone density. Jogging exerts pressure on the muscles and bones, causes the body to naturally increase the strength of the parts. More protein would be passed to the formation of bigger muscles and solid, and more calcium for stronger bones. In the long run, you will reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

4. Reduce stress
Joggers have their own addiction - an addiction for jogging! This is because the body will naturally produce the endorphin hormone after exercise. This endorphin leads to happy feeling, satisfaction and comfortable, at the same time, can lowers the stress in our bodies.

Thank you for reading.

Credits to Jom kita jogging.

Let's be creative and critical


Creativity is a key factor of success and it is priceless. Can creativity exist by regular exercise?

The answer is can!

However, it will not happen in a short time. Usually creativity is a talent that belongs to someone since birth.

The creativity of a person can not be judged by external talent only such as good at drawing, singing or creating. It can also be determined by the way of thinking and problem solving. For example, solving the puzzles, answering questions to test your mind and IQ game.

1. Do Something Different
Boring, isnt it ... doing the same thing every day? Not only that, your knowledge and talent are also limited. Sometimes it is better, if you find something new and interesting and doing it differently it in your daily activities.

For example, sometimes, if you know how to sing and has a beautiful voice, why not learn to play an instrument. Not only your skills will be improved, but it will highlight your creativity. When you've getting pro later upload it in the YouTube; who knows there's producer seeing your talent. Who knows one day you can defeat Justin Bieber.

2. Having high curiosity
In the process to enhance the creativity, you should possess a very strong curiosity about everything. Why and how is a good question in all that you practice. No harm having queries sometimes, if you simply want to know and to gain knowledge.

For example, like Sir Isaac Newton: he discovered the law of gravity due to his curiousity after seeing an apple fall from the tree branches to the ground. If he did not have the curiosity, may be we never know what is gravity, right? Watch and learn from the best!

3. Observation of the creative people
Creativity can also be obtained by learning what other person did. From there, you can get inspired to create your own masterpiece. Through observation of the environment, you can even find all sorts of ideas. This has done by many artists, writers and songwriter. The old sayings already mentioned, 'teachers are made of expanded universe'.

But beware, observing and imitating is a very different thing. You will get idea from the process of observation, but you can not get the idea from ​​imitating.

Thank you for reading.

Credits to Yezz Magazine!

Misz ti still alive


Hello everybody! How are you? I miss my blog....

This entry is to tell you guys that i am back, safe and sound. This time around, i will try my best to cheer my blog again. Watch out. Hihi.

Thank you for staying.


If You Hate Touchscreens, This iPhone Keyboard Accessory Is Everything You Ever Wanted


Investing in start ups must be trendy in Hollywood right now because Ryan Seacrest decided to drop a $1 million investment on the Typo keyboard, a keyboard that hooks right up to your iPhone.

Along with Seacrest was his co-founder. They both look to invest more than $5 million into the company. We’re not sure exactly why Ryan Seacrest is obsessed with keyboard accessories, but it’s not like we couldn’t use one of these things from time to time.

There’s nothing too complicated about the Typo keyboard. It’s exactly what it looks like and would serve as the perfect switch up when you’re looking to step away from the world of touchscreen devices.

The Typo keyboard is expected to make its official debut at the Consumer Electronics Showin Las Vegas in 2014, but there’s been no word on pricing or availability.

Check out a little bit of the back story of how the investment from Seacrest came about.

“The back story of Seacrest’s interest in this — for many of his friends and colleagues, carrying two phones was a habit: One for typing and correspondence and an iPhone for virtually everything else.“

One night, Ryan and his friend Laurence Hallier, CEO of Show Media, were out to dinner and both had phones on the table. Two people, four phones!” – Typo Keyboard press release

Credits to ANTHONY SELDEN, elite daily.

Why All Men Need To Date An Older Woman At Least Once In Their Lives


Here are the reasons every male needs to date an older woman:

Money means nothing

First and foremost, you’re broke (or something close to it) and this woman is steady in her career. Fancy dinners and drinks are usually out of the question, but when you’re invited by the infamous “cougar,” you better accept the invitation and prepare yourself for a good time.

Instead of blowing money on shots for women your age who are self-indulgent and don’t give a rat’s ass about your life, prepare yourself for someone who wants to listen, learn and laugh just as much as you do.

You will want to let your walls down because this woman wants the energetic and ambitious man she can let loose with. If she insists on paying (which is mind-blowing to us guys) then you should accept, but be polite and insist that you pay for yourself. You my friend, are now the prey.

Wait… what do you mean I don’t have to play games to get her to go out with me?

That’s right. No Tinder, Facebook and pretending you’re some peasant who has to beg for a date. Screw all of those things you hate doing. She’s most likely going to ask you out. She wants to enjoy herself with you. These women aren’t afraid to say the things they are thinking, whether it’s how gorgeous YOU look or that she wants to take you home.

She knows what she wants…

Talk about an ego boost right? And you know those awkward pauses when you pretend to look at your phone or take an extra sip of your drink that you’re so used to? Forget it because there isn’t one with this woman. She is so confident in herself that she makes you feel like you can breathe normally. Yes, that means you can just be yourself.

You both want someone around. We all get lonely and want someone to cuddle with every once in a while, but it’s more than that.

Because men of our generation are as lost as small children in the middle of Narnia, some guidance is needed in this time of our lives. She is going to be able to give you advice, teach you many life lessons and show you a thing (or two) about your emotions. You will most likely not marry this woman, but she can be a friend, a teacher and a lover. Just know that she is probably getting just as much in return from you.

Go out, and have some fun.

Credits to BRIAN CARTER, elite daily.

An Incredible Solution To End Playground Loneliness


Students at Roundtown Elementary School in York, Pennsylvania, will never be lonely at recess again thanks to second-grader Christian Bucks.

The Huffington Post reports that Buck prompted the school to install a playground “buddy bench,” a seating area where students feeling lonely or upset can seek companionship.
The bench’s sign is painted in bright colors with a purple background.

Bucks got his idea from a brochure for an elementary school in Germany that has a similar area.

He then pitched the bench to Roundtown Principal Matthew Miller, who immediately embraced Bucks’ compassion. He even let him pick the bench’s colors.
Bucks told the York Daily Record that he hopes the bench will help “grow our dream circle of friends.”

According to the Huffington Post, St. Catherine’s Primary School in Chipping Campden, England, installed a buddy bench of its own last month.

Students are reportedly taking full of advantage of the fixture, as Headteacher Joanne Welch told local newspaper the Cotswold Journal.

“It is lovely to see the children demonstrate such care for each other,” Welch said. “So many lifelong friendships of course start in the school playground.”Via: Huffington Post.

Credits to Sean levinson, elite daily.