
How to avoid fights

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

I know all of us has been in fights with other ppl around them. I found this tips during my blogwalking. Lets try these tips and look whether it is effective or not. Lets hope they are helpful bcz being in a fight is really unpleasant.

1. Dont be sulky. Its better not to be sulky. It has no use at all to solve the problem rather, it makes your problem getting worst when other people didnt care about your sulking.

2. Dont be judgy. Judging others will never solve the problem. It is not even helping the peace process, rather, it helps ruin relationship prosess even faster. If you intend to make up your relationship, dont be too judgy.

3. Dont find other ppl's faults. Looking at other ppl's faults will never bring solution. It is better for you to take some times and look at your own flaws before pointing others.

4. Start to make peace. If you really want to make up your relationship, make first step to make peace. If other ppl reject your effort bcz they really dont want to make up the relationship, that is not an issue. At least, you have the effort to make peace.

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading! :)

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