
How to be succesful

Assalamualaikum and good morning everbody.

1. Be optimist. A succesful person always be confidence to her own self potential to br successful. This confidence gives an injection of inner strength to herself. Always say "i can do it!".

2. Dont be pessimist. A successful person didnt be pessimist which always losing hope and surrender before beginning to fight. Dont fade your spirit. Dont predict the losing before war. If you dont try, losing is definitely in your hand. If you dont try, you wont know.

3. Be responsible. A successful person have an awareness and prepared to carry a responsibility as a person who are being the hope for her religion, nation, country, family, and society in the future.
Family dignity, society and country in the future depend on current teenager generation. A successful person noticed this and definitely they struggle their efforts so the goal can be achieved.

4. Be focus. A succesful person will give her full attention to her study. Not being serious in studying is a less succesful person's attitude. In the future, this person will later be played and cheated by educated ppl. It would be more unfortunate if they were played and cheated by uneducated ppl like their own kind.

5. Start early. A successful person do and early preparation for her exam or any test. The early preparation will differenciate between a successful and a failure person. This early preparation can be like doing revision, having discussion with friends, asking for teacher's advice, reading the answer model books, and etc. Dont be a "jumping down midwife" in the exam hall.

6. Always be prepared. A successful person is always be prepared facing any test or exam. A succesful person is a person who are capable to face any exam anytime. An excellent person will say yes to any exam.

7. Complete tools. A successful person completes her study tools like reference books, exercise books, stationary, note book and etc.
The spirits only is not enough to achieve success. Incomplete tools will burden the study and will weaken our spirit to study continuosly.

8. Be punctual. A successful person will be punctual to her study time such as coming to her class on time and go home only after given permission to that.
This will trains a person to be disciplined. When the person has a discipline, it is easy for her to be discipline in her study as well.

9. Getting helps from lecturers. A succesful person will try to get helps from her lecturers or from her classmates if she were absent from her class.
For example, if the person are sick, she will asks for notes or lecturers explanation from her classmates or her lecturer.

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading! :)

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