
How to have a good conversation

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Unable to engage in a conversation is actually a problem. How do we overcome this? Now, here's some tips.

Firstly, you should know that most of your scared feeling is just in yourself. To overcome this, you should form a healthy thinking image when you meet with other ppl.

Some individual view it as a frightening event bcz they worried they have to looked good in front of other ppl. More and more you think about this, the more frightening it would be. The embarass feeling towards other ppl come from this scared feelings.

In order to easen the conversation, begin the conversation relating to small matters with your listener.

Next, accustomize yourself by joining your favoured group or club. There are many group and club gathering actually. You can also attend any course or workshop for individual who has similar problem with you.

In building friendship, you can also do some charity work. Connecting via the internet as well is a good way to begin a friendship.

Beginning a conversation required you to do the first step. Dont wait for other ppl to greet or start the conversation. You have to take the initiative to greet them first.

Start the conversation with the simple and small things. Giving a salam or greeting (tanya khabar) is a good example.

A not judging attitude towards other ppl also helps a lot in setting the conversation and building the friendship.

Tell your friend that you didnt meant to be cold to her but it is your actual self and is in progress to change from a humble and reserved to a more friendly person.

Dont be too desperate in building a friendship. Give friendship space to evolve. You should be sincere too.

Most of the time, we think too much about ourself until we forgot to think of other ppl's needs.

We always think of what other ppl's perception on us, what we sould talk, and what we should do next. These are what stopping us from a good relationship.

What is more important is that, be yourself. Dont change yourself just because you want to get friends. You can tell your friend about who are you actually.

Psycologically, an individual can talk very well and interesting when they feel comfortable with other individual's personality. Therefore, it is no surprise when you are with your peer friends you can talk without having any problems

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading! :)

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