
Why am i so stress

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

When we were given assignment, it is our job and responsibility to finish it. In my case, i have finished mine and already submitted the assignment to my supervisor.

Now, it is her part to check my work and to comment on it. I dont know maybe she is so busy with her work until she forgot that i am waiting for her response.

Day by day goes by, and now it is almost a month. I am getting nervous thinking that maybe it is my mistake for not calling her asking about my assignment.

I am in dilemma actually. Should i make the first move to contact her or should i just wait for her to call me to come to her office to discuss about the assignment.

I was so relax while waiting for her to contact me. What i did was i sleep, i eat, i watch tv, i read novels, things that are so wasting my time. I start to regret my carelessness.

Tomorrow is saturday. The first thing i would like to do is contacting my supervisor. I am going to leave her a message, at least, saying that if it is possible, i would be really glad if she can see me on next monday morning.

Wish me luck pls. Tq.

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