
How to be able to write or blogging

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Many ppl love to write or blogging. Not only women, but men too. But not all ppl can write actually. A stage where ppl cannot write is the stage called "frozen state of mind".

Let me share with you the secret to overcome this frozen state of writing. First of all, you have to read other ppl writings first. Be it other ppl's blogs or news articles. Read what makes you interested.

Later, maybe at night, before you sleep, try to digest what you have read. Or try to tell your readings to your friend or family. Discuss with them and try to get feedbacks from them. After that, try to write any keyword or sentences of your story.

Once you write you can never stop. The ideas will flow like a river. If you are writing for your blog please make sure that you write informative thing so ppl from all over the world can refer to your blog. Isn't it cool?

Dont forget to put also interesting pictures in your entries so it looks cheerful. Try once and you will surprise with yourself.

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