
Why men be silent

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Girls just loveeeee to talk talk and talk. But boys or men are the opposite. Lets check out why they are so silent at times.

1. Having trouble. A man is an ego person in his life. No wonder he will does his best to solve his problem without other ppl's help. But if there is no solution, he chooses to be silent bcz he's stress due to the problem.  

2. Talk about marriage. A man will be silent bcz he doesnt believe he has to carry a big responsibility in his life. He always think whether he's ready or not to be the head of the family. Thus, during the engangement or couple of months before the wedding, most of them will be weird.

3. Heartbroken. That is the sign which his heart is hurt. Most of them will keep silent when his love is being lied or he's the one causing it. At time like this, as his friend, you should give him some space for him to think. Only after two days later, you can try to talk to him.

4. Going back to his parents-in-law house. Just look at your man when he's at your parent's house. He will be less talking and when he's talking he will talk in a low tone. Sometimes they choose just to be in the room rather than talking to their parents-in-law. If your man acts like this, it is better for you to ask him to not be called the "out of tune monkey". Haha.

5. Meeting his exes. When he's with you, and he suddenly meets his ex. Automatically, he'll be speechless. He might be reminded of his past. Thus, ladies, dont freak out.

6. When his secret leaked. All men face this. He will be silent when his secret leaked. Some will be silent for couple of minutes before creating 101 excuses. But for a gentleman, he will be silent more rather than giving excuses bcz he doesnt want the situation to be more complicated. When you're cooled, then he will explain the truth.

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading! :)

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