
Are you afraid to teach

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Have you ever feeling nervous to be a teacher? Have you ever think whether youre able to teach or not? Have you ever think that whether your students will understand what you teach or not? Have you ever think of whether you can control the class or not? Scary, right.

Don’t worry because it is normal, and you can overcome those things only after you face them. Below, I am going to share with you some tips that I found from the internet on how to overcome the teaching fright.

1. Be talkative. Ask your senior colleagues if there is any difficulties or problems in the class.
2. Ask your senior colleagues directly about who’s the problematic student which always creating problems in the class by taking his name for cautionary action. From there, we get to know which students are good and which are less good. Thus, this helps us to control the class.
3. Build relationship with everyone in the school/institution like the administrations, teachers/lecturers, staffs, students, or parents.
4. If you are placed in a room somewhere secluded from other colleagues, always go to teachers/lecturers’ office. Don’t seclude yourself continuously.
5. When you are given tasks, just accept it. Don’t ever say no. help the school/institution as long as you can do it. But if youre not given any task, never ask for it.
6. When youre given advice, just accept it, and don’t ever fight back.
7. On your first class teaching, introduce yourself, and tell the students directly what rules that we want them to follow. Be strict. The first impression is very important. Don’t let our student think that we are soft and can be bullied. If you fail, then you cannot control your class.
8. If possible, know all your students name. It’s not easy to remember all their names. But we can definitely remember the naughty student’s name.

Thats all folks. Thank you for reading. (:

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