
Why should we be good exemplary

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

If you want something to be in the way it should be, first you have to show others especially your juniors or your younger generation the best example. Dont just say and you dont even do it. Why?

Bcz the youngsters will feel annoyed with you stressing them doing good but you yourself dont apply it. They surely may be angry with you. Plus bcz of confusion, these youngsters will follow your misguidance. They think if you can do it like that, why dont they just do like you did.

I know you must be confuse regarding to what am i talking about. It is general. It can be anything that you think the youngsters should do according to your preferences. But you yourself dont apply it by coincidently or intentionally.

I am not just reminding you, but i am reminding myself too bcz everyone of us will be the senior generation to the youngsters.

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading.

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