
Why some ppl choose to be antisocial

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Personally, i choose to be antisocial bcz i cant endure ppl hurting my heartfeelings. The less we have contact with others the less we will hurt. I think this is why malay folks have this oldsaying "be moderate in friendship" meaning "berpada-pada dalam berkawan". We need friends to be happy but not all the time. I think we can say allocation time with friends should be 1% from our daily life. I dont know.

It is better for us to mind our own bussiness rather than be with our friends all the time. Fill our free times with our own hobbies. If you love reading, go read. If you love playing games, go play games. If you love watching tv, go watch tv. If you love writing journal/novel, go write. Even if you love cleaning your house, go clean your house.

Find a healthy & fun hobby. When you are happy & love yourself then others will love you back. Thats the law of life. It is like that.

Thats all for now, thank you for reading.

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