
You are a loser when

Assalamualaikum and hello everybody.

Do you think you are a loser or you’re not? I apologize if this sounds like a little harsh. Pls excuse me.

You are a loser when you want to plan something but you’re brain gets blur and you don’t know how to do anything. You stand and you sit with an empty brain.

You are a loser when you do your work very slow. And the finish product is very little.

You are a loser when you are asked to speak spontaneously in front of a crowd; your hands are shaking tremendously. And people know that you are badly nervous.

You are a loser when your planning failed. Then, you know people around you evaluate you badly and said to you “poor girl”.

You are a loser when you are too stressed, you cried. Then the teardrops don’t want to stop. But, don’t think you are fool because you cry. Know that, crying is your starting point to get up again.

You are a loser when you say, "I don’t want to continue my study/this work at this point, because I feel I am not capable enough to handle. Everything that I do, I feel so stupid."

Please, don’t think negatively. Everyone learn from mistakes and from experiences. Don’t give up. Max your effort. Pray more to God. No one is powerful except Him.

That’s all for now, thank you for reading.

Misz Ti.

Credits to Oyenks.

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