
Lets wake up at 5am

Assalamualaikum to all my dear bloggers.

Why do we have to get up at 5 in the morning?

"The Who sweats in training, bleeds less in War." It means that by getting up early in the morning, we can prepare ourselves for the day. To be prepared to whatever might happen. But, why?

# 1. Everything will be ready. Mentally, body, heart and determination will be prepared.
# 2. Muscle metabolism.
# 3. Extraordinary time; may create Powerful Power, Mental Focus and Energy.
# 4. Enermous Phylogical Edge: people who gets up early in the morning when others are still asleep has high confidence, courage and have a mind like a leader.

It takes 66 days to install a new habit. (Neuro-architecture).
Messy in the MIDDLE

We have to wake up at the same time, at 5am consistently. And practice the 20/20/20. Within an hour of 5am, 20 minutes to do exercise, 20 minutes to do schedule reviews, 20 minutes for learning process.

"The world is belongs to the learners, as you learn more, you're free to achieve more. To double your income, triple your rate of learning. The things you get scheduled is the thing you get done."

That’s all for now, thank you for reading.

Misz Ti.

Credits to Dandelinoid.

You are a loser when

Assalamualaikum and hello everybody.

Do you think you are a loser or you’re not? I apologize if this sounds like a little harsh. Pls excuse me.

You are a loser when you want to plan something but you’re brain gets blur and you don’t know how to do anything. You stand and you sit with an empty brain.

You are a loser when you do your work very slow. And the finish product is very little.

You are a loser when you are asked to speak spontaneously in front of a crowd; your hands are shaking tremendously. And people know that you are badly nervous.

You are a loser when your planning failed. Then, you know people around you evaluate you badly and said to you “poor girl”.

You are a loser when you are too stressed, you cried. Then the teardrops don’t want to stop. But, don’t think you are fool because you cry. Know that, crying is your starting point to get up again.

You are a loser when you say, "I don’t want to continue my study/this work at this point, because I feel I am not capable enough to handle. Everything that I do, I feel so stupid."

Please, don’t think negatively. Everyone learn from mistakes and from experiences. Don’t give up. Max your effort. Pray more to God. No one is powerful except Him.

That’s all for now, thank you for reading.

Misz Ti.

Credits to Oyenks.

Let's be matured

Assalamualaikum my dear readers.

I don’t know anyone who had never heard the word mature. Everyone loves to talk about it, right.

"Ee, totally immatured. Childish."  
"Think like a matured person will you, don’t be so childish."  
"You’re already 24, act like one, think like one, will you?"

But how many of us really understand the meaning of 'mature' implicitly? When we mentioned the word 'mature', what comes to your mind?

"To be mature is to think like a mature mind"
"Think before you act"
"Be rational in all things"

Those are some meaning of maturity. Accept other people’s opinion. Be rational is important.

Experience can also make us to be mature. Not only experience, even the age too. But sometimes the age is not even a factor now.

So, let's be matured. Not only being matured in terms of behavior, but be matured in terms of thinking, attitude, and actions as well.

That’s all for now. Thank you for reading. (:

Misz Ti.

Credits to Joyfulwishes.

Why KL is interesting

Assalamualaikum and hi bloggers. Huhi.

Do you like hanging out at KL? I know you like it. You'll be lying if you said you don’t like KL. Now, let's look at why KL is interesting or not:

1. Some people have always wanted to work in KL. Not me ok.
2. Some people are proud with the Pavilion. I never went there, huhi.
3. KL has everything what we are looking for. Like Astro. Everything is available. For eg: Jln TAR, Sogo, Klcc.
4. KL has really bad social ills. Fortunately I don’t live in KL. Huhi.
5. KL is now advanced. That’s because KL is the capital city. Definitely the development progress is in line with social problems and other problems. Although Malaysia has not really a developed country, many ugly cases happen.
6. KL may be safe again until one fine time arrive when people will be frust living in KL when they find new areas to be explored.
7. KL indigenous people are good people actually. Only migrating people has the less civic. That is why there are less sense of belonging and love of KL. Talking about social ills, many things can be related. Among them are the unbalanced urbanization and economic class.
8. KL has too many risks and burdens. But anywhere can be burdens. Actually from the burden, we can learn many things.
9. Salute to KL drivers, they can drive in the city center traffic jam.
10. Being in KL, we can do anything we want including things we don’t want our family to know. This is so not me.

Ok that’s all for now. Thank you for reading. (:

Misz Ti.

Credits to Kelambu.


Leya's Blog

Assalamualaikum and good evening everybody.

How are you? Whatcha doin? Watching Buletin Utama TV3? That is so what am i doing right now. Huhi.

Do you ever cross Leya's Blog? This is an active blog which the owner shares with us her life's story. She has a nice purple blog with white background.

The blog owner is a successful person. In her blog she shares with us her life's aim list. And many of them she has achieved.

Guys have to step aside cuz she's someone's fiancee. In her blog header she already put her cute photo together with her fiancee's.

After all, i just want to thank you to blogger Leya for willing to follow my 2 cents blog. Dear other bloggers, welcome to her blog at anagurlz87.blogspot.com to view her. Happy blogging!

Thats all folks. Thank you for reading.


Assalamualaikum and good evening everybody haihaihai. Hihi.

This time, i am going to introduce you about this blog named Myfeliscatusstory.

This is a special blog which only talks about cats. To be more precise, the owner of the blog talked about her cats.

The owner of this blog has 9 pretty cats and 1 stray cat adopted. From a female siamese cat she raised since years back then, she got 2 new cute and healthy kittens.

In her blog, she shares with us her journey of raising her cats since she first get those cats until today. 

Thus for all cat lovers, welcome to myfeliscatusstory.blogspot.com to see those pretty cats.

Thats all folks. Thank you for reading.


Why people love to read reader's digest

Assalamualaikum and good day dear readers.

Long time no see ha? Hihi. Do you like reading readers digest? Why our english teachers always suggest to us to read that book? Let us discover about the history of the book.

Reader's Digest is an American general interest family magazine, published monthly.

It was founded in 1922, by DeWitt Wallace and Lila Bell Wallace. For many years, Reader's Digest was the best-selling consumer magazine in the United States.

According to Mediamark Research, it reaches more readers with household incomes of $100,000+.

Global editions of Reader's Digest reach an additional 40 million people in more than 70 countries, with 49 editions in 21 languages. It has a global circulation of 10.5 million, making it the largest paid circulation magazine in the world.

The magazine is compact, with its pages roughly half the size of most American magazines'.

Hence, in the summer of 2005, the U.S. edition adopted the slogan, "America in your pocket."

In January 2008, it was changed to "Life well shared."

That is what it is. For the bookworms, enjoy!

Yours truly,
Misz ti.


Are you a crazy neighbour

Assalamualaikum and good evening everybody.

Do you have a crazy neighbour? I have.

I live in a neighbourhood in Puchong Guangdong China. We live in a two storey terrace house. More or less i can say that every family has small kids. What makes me annoyed is when the kids yell like crazy whenever they want including during youre sleeping. It is very nervewrecking. They also play like monsters. We can hear the sound of their steps thumping on the floor. What a nightmare.

Not just that, one of my neighbour, the father of the kids is also very noisy. He likes to scold his kids to the top of his lung. I believe, i am not the only person who can listen to his devilish loud voice. It is not common actually, because his kids is only little at the age of 5 or 4 years old. He shouldnt yell like that. Or else it will effect his child's mind. I believe when the child is bigger, his child will scold him back bcz it is the way the kid was raised. That suits him. Haha.

Other than that, my other neighbours always do renovation to their house. Very loud and irritating noises we can hear. We can hear the sound of drilling, the sound of mosaic been cut, the sound of somebody wrecking the wall. It is very stressful. My ears sore. We have no peace at all living here in town.

I also have neighbour who have big dogs but never let them out and never walk with the dog. Just imagine the consequence would be. The dog is so stressful and too bored. Following that, the dog become a hot tempered dog and not friendly at all. The dog barks whenever and at whoever come through. The dog also barks in the middle of the night too. Trust me it is very disturbing.

Moral of the story, when we live in a neighbourhood, please be sensitive to other people. Mind our civic manners. Please please please i'm begging you guys.

Thats all folks. Thank you for reading.


Some tips for teacher

Assalamualaikum and good day everybody.

Are you afraid to teach? Please dont be. Below, i will share some tips regarding to the topic.

Actually once you set your feet at the school, once you face the students, automatically you will be confident and have spirit to educate the students.

Dont be too gentle with the students or else they will be naughty. Be strict but friendly as your principle.

If possible, join every school/institution activity, contribute your energy and knowledge. This indirectly will make our school/institution community recognize us so we are easy to get help from them. Dont ever be arrogant.

Dont forget to set in mind that teaching is fun. Be strong. If the class is getting out of control, find some trick to get students to focus at us back. You can also ask the students to do some light stretching as we know that learning is tiring. Make some jokes. Kids/students love to listen to stories.

If you want to control your students, you have to have an interesting game at the end of the teaching and learning session. For example, the game card, the quiz, etc. For lower class, ask the student to sing. Certainly until home they wont forget. The song should have a corelation with your lesson. But if you create that song it is good as well, just make sure it has this value quality.

Other than that, be confident. The students like it if their teacher/lecturer is confident while teaching or conveying the knowledge added with some humor or jokes.

Maintain your image. The students like it when you are neat and tidy, smells nice and pretty.

Be caring. Touch students head or shoulder. This will create a bond between the teacher and the students and make them feel appreciated.

Thats all. Thank you for reading.

Milo pudding recipe

Assalamualaikum and good day everybody.

Lets try my auntie's secret recipe!

1 pack of string pudding
2 packs of 3in1 milo
Half can of sweetened milk
A bowl of water
A cup of sugar

1. Wash the pudding in a filter.
2. Have a bowl of water similar to the quantity of the pudding.
3. Boil the water with the pudding inside. Stir them until it diluted. Cair
4. In the mean time, mix 2 packs of 3in1 milo in a jug full of 600ml hot water. Add the 1/2 can of sweetened milk  and a cup of sugar.
5. Pour the milo and milk in the pudding pot. Stir well.
6. Pour in a large tray, cool it down. Then put in the fridge. Voila.

Thats all folks thank you for reading.

Why convo is interesting 

Assalamualaikum and good day to all hotties and shorties.

Convocation day is the most sought after day for every students. That day is the day to appreciate your hardwork in study, the day you finish your study. Many people love convocation day. Are you eager to convo?

You have to iron your new or most pretties clothes and your veil that you ever have. You have to have a pair of dark closed shoes. You have to wake up very early to avoid getting stuck at the jam on the convocation day, you have to carefully find parking space to park your car in the sea of other cars.

You have to be patience while waiting for the rectors talk, you have to be patience to wait for your turn to get onto the stage receiving your scroll. You have to be patience when you have to be shoot in front of high def cameras although you are not ready and not looking cute. You have to be patience when your feet is very painful due to wearing the tight closed shoes.

You have to be patience when you have to take picture together with you family under the heat of malaysian sunshine. You have to be patience when other people look at your family's wierd/different attitude which are unsupporting and unfriendly. You have to be patience if you dont have the chance to take picture with your friends because of time constraint.

Besides, you have to think to apply for job. You have to be patience to wait whether you get that job or not. You have to go through another challenge that is working which never stops dealing with the job itself, your boss, and your colleagues.

Thats all folks. Thank you for reading.


How to keep a cat

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

1. Provide a cage. Put plastic base. Keep the cat in the cage all the time. This is to control and fatten the cat.
2. If the cat is going to have babies, provide a box for the cat. When the cats babies are older, take out the box.
3. Provide litter box with cat's sand in it. Clean cat's litter box using a see-through shovel everyday. Change the sand when it is too smelly and can no longer be use.
4. Provide cat food and change and top up cat's drinking water everyday. Give fish bones for cat's appetites and chicken's skin or fat part to build cat's muscle.
5. Wash the cat in the toilet with cat's soap once a month. Dry the cat with towel after that.
6. Damp cotton balls to clean cat's eye oftenly.
7. Let the cat out for an hour everyday so they dont get stress and bored. Play with them using a stick and a piece of paper so they can exercise as well as to gain affection between you and the cat.
8. Wash your hands with soap or take a bath after dealing with the cat.
9. Bring the cat to clinic to get vaccinated once in a while. It costs some money.
10. Cane the cat's ass or slap on cat's face or warn the cat strictly when the cat is doing naughty.

Thats all. Thank you for reading.

Why men are way too ego

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

I read this somewhere.

Men dont like it when the lady is too independent.
Men dont like it when the lady is often sick.
Men dont like it when the lady is rugged (lasak).
Men dont like it when the lady is too itchy or eager (gedik).
Men dont like it when the lady dont know how to cook.
Men dont like it when the lady is acting childishly.
Men dont like it when the lady is short.
Men dont like it when the lady is being too stylish.

I hope not all are true.

Thats all folks. Thank you for reading.

Why ppl love iium matric

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

I am going to share with you why i love and miss iium matric, pj and iium, gombak.

First of all i never thought that i am going to study at iium. In my mind at that time i imagine myself doing my undergraduate study in egypt. Somehow, allah knows better and did his arrangement for me.

I was in iium matric pj for just one year. That is such a short moment ok. That is why i never get the opportunity to feel annoyed being there. Apparently i find it very sweet, because that was the first time i really live in hostel and i have my total freedom.

During my secondary school i lived with my parents. Although there are many school we can go nowadays, my parents refuse to send me to any school with hostel because we are not a rich family and i have many younger siblings so by that way we can save our money.

After all, all the shortest moments is the best moment in our life, like being at the iium matric, really.

Apart from being independent, having total freedom, and get to learn knowledge courses, I find that studying in iium gombak is also one of my best moment in life because there i get to know my clique. They are m, m, and d (mazreeha, mareena, and daneeya). Everytime and everywhere we were together.

I had wonderful days while going through easy and hardship with them. We had roti canai and ice milo at mamak hs cafe together, we worked for our assignment at night before the assignment/presentation due date, we went to class together, we went back to our mahallah riding our motorcycle together, we gossipped together and we spent most of our time together.

We had fight sometimes, but somehow we forgave each other. Although we are no longer together, we still remain as bestfriends. Long live iium.

Thats all folks. Thank you for reading. (:


Are you afraid to teach

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Have you ever feeling nervous to be a teacher? Have you ever think whether youre able to teach or not? Have you ever think that whether your students will understand what you teach or not? Have you ever think of whether you can control the class or not? Scary, right.

Don’t worry because it is normal, and you can overcome those things only after you face them. Below, I am going to share with you some tips that I found from the internet on how to overcome the teaching fright.

1. Be talkative. Ask your senior colleagues if there is any difficulties or problems in the class.
2. Ask your senior colleagues directly about who’s the problematic student which always creating problems in the class by taking his name for cautionary action. From there, we get to know which students are good and which are less good. Thus, this helps us to control the class.
3. Build relationship with everyone in the school/institution like the administrations, teachers/lecturers, staffs, students, or parents.
4. If you are placed in a room somewhere secluded from other colleagues, always go to teachers/lecturers’ office. Don’t seclude yourself continuously.
5. When you are given tasks, just accept it. Don’t ever say no. help the school/institution as long as you can do it. But if youre not given any task, never ask for it.
6. When youre given advice, just accept it, and don’t ever fight back.
7. On your first class teaching, introduce yourself, and tell the students directly what rules that we want them to follow. Be strict. The first impression is very important. Don’t let our student think that we are soft and can be bullied. If you fail, then you cannot control your class.
8. If possible, know all your students name. It’s not easy to remember all their names. But we can definitely remember the naughty student’s name.

Thats all folks. Thank you for reading. (:

How to be patience

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

I know some time we can lose our patience. But I found these tips. Lets read and try to apply.

1. Don’t think too much on the problem, don’t be sick, don’t hope for other ppl’s sympathy. 2. Accept the fact that even more you give your attention to the problems, its even worst you will be. Everything will be messy and your heart will be hurt and feel very impatience because other people don’t give a damn about you.
3. Don’t think that you have to show other people that you are correct and can win people’s heart in everything that you do.
4. Accept the fact that it is difficult to satisfy everyone’s heart all the time. Make sure that you are being justice and rationale and let the time show who's correct or who's wrong.
5. Don’t think that you know what's the best about other people.
6. Accept the fact that you can try to persuade ppl, but it is still difficult to hope that ppl do what you want.
7. Don’t think that when there is other ppl disagree with you they are being irrational towards you.
8. Accept the fact that every human being has their right to speak up their opinions. Let them let you do the same.
9. Don’t think about the worst thing that can happen to you.
10. Accept the fact that everybody has their time off. Think about other than yourself.
11. Have sympathy to other ppl’s can make you be more patience.
12. Don’t think that uncertain attitudes that other ppl’s have is very important.
13. Accept the fact that we ourselves can have the uncertain and changing attitudes. Keep calm and control your changing attitudes.

That’s all folks. Thank you for reading.

How to make jokes

Hello assalamualaikum to all hot guys and gorgeous ladies.

Do you know how to make jokes? I don’t really know. Therefore, let's learn more about it.

To be a good teacher/lecturer, you need to have joking skills. This is one way to tackle ppl’s heart especially the students.

How to be funny? I found some tips and guideline from my blogwalking.

They are:
1. Read a lot of funny magazines or watch a lot of funny movies.
2. Talk abt funny things that you came across.
3. Talk about unpredictable things.
4. Talk about unthinkable things.
5. Make small things to be big things.
6. Dont be upset easily. If ppl criticize us, fire them back in jokes.
7. Dont make long jokes. Or else it will be anti joke which ppl feel annoyed.
8. Dont repeat same jokes frequently.
9. Dont make jokes while ppl are serious.
10. Let other ppl make jokes too. Dont think that only yourself is funny.

Happy working on it. That’s all for now. Thank you for reading.  

How to be friendly

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Are you friendly? Do you have friends everywhere? I’m not. Pity, right. Its ok cz I am going to share with you some tips to be friendly.

First of all, you need to accept ppl as they are so you can have friends everywhere. Remember that every human being is not perfect.

Second of all, be confident. Be pretty. Wear nicely.

Thirdly, smile a lot.

Fourthly, you need to be talkative. If you see someone, just ask any light question even if you already know the answer. How to be talkative?

Read a lot. Be it novels or newspaper or blogs. After you read, tell it to your friends or family or write it in your blog. Then you’ll be a good story teller.

Watch tv a lot too. Be it movies or drama or even the news.

Travel a lot too. When you travel, you will be more open minded because you meet many kinds of people and many kinds of new things.

Fifthly, always say “thank you” as the appreciation when youre given help by other ppl or say “sorry” or “excuse me” to apologize if youre disturbing other ppl.

Finally, practice it. Remember practice makes perfect.

Best of luck. That’s all for now. Thank you for reading.

How boys flirt on fb 

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Do you know how boys tackle the girls on fb? Its funny but its the truth. Let me share it with you.

First of all, if youre an islamic person, then he will updates his fb status daily with Islamic things too such as the hadiths.

If youre a materialistic girl, then he will upload most of his photos with his bmw and his rayban shades just to make you interested to him.

If youre a friendly type, he will try to be even friendlier. Once u like his fb status, then he won. They said, its ok for their ears to be pain, but not their heart.

Finally, if youre a silent type, its the best challenge for them. What they'll do is to be friends with your close friends in order to get to know what you like and what you dont like.

After all, lets preserve our dignity. Be respectable. The best person you be, the best husband you will get too.

That’s all for now, thank you for reading.

What are driving classes for JPJ retest   

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Do you know what classes that you have to take before you sit for JPJ retest? You are asked to retest for driving stage 2 and 3 only ok.

If before this you took your JPJ test somewhere else like at Gombak, then you want to do the retest at Jengka Pahang or Banting Selangor, then you have to learn again how to drive at the hill, at parking, at the corner, and on the road. Why? Because the situations will be different from when you do at Gombak. You wouldn’t know which road you have to take. Especially for on the road test.

What day can you attend the driving classes? If youre free or youre a student, you can come on Monday to Thursday. It is believed that on weekdays, there will be less people at the driving school. But if youre working, you can come on weekends like Saturday and Sunday. It will be crowded and busy but what other option do you have?   

If youre doing both motorcycle and car licenses, it is advisable to attend both classes in a day like in the morning you do the motorcycle class, on the evening, you do the car lesson.

It is very tiring experience. If you have accompany, it will be better.  If you have a tablet, play games or online your fb, twitter or instagram or do blogwalking or update your blog while waiting there. Be positive. Think it as a fun.  All the best.

That’s all folks. Thank you for reading.

What happen if you don’t renew your driving license

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Have you renew your driving license? Good. If not, we are gang because I don’t renew mine too. Not intentionally, but bcz I further my study after my degree, I don’t drive and I am too poor I don’t have the money to renew it every now and then.

First of all what you need to do is to fill an erayuan form from the JPJ website. After waiting in about a month, you will get their reply for your appeal letter.

In their reply letter, they ask you to apply for new L license at any JPJ office near you in 60 days after the letter was issued. What you need to bring with you is a copy of your IC, a copy of your died P license, a passport photo of your cute self, and RM30.  

After getting the new L license, you need to take driving classes to refresh your driving skill before you sit for retest. Scary, right. That’s not the case. What are more upsetting are the money needed to pay all those and the energy and time consuming.  

Good luck for everybody. Just believe that there is a silver lining behind every cloud. That’s all folks. Thank you for reading.


Why people love iphone

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Do you have iphone? I dont. I think having iphone or samsung galaxy or htc is a must nowaday. Why? Because it is very useful and easy for us to be online whenever and whereever we are.

We can check our emails and update our blog frequently. We can take picture using high quality and high megapixel camera. And can later easy to share our pictures via instagram, twitter, or facebook.

Personally, i love taking pictures. Therefore, i look for camera spec phone. It is better if i can click the camera button at the side of the phone. Otherwise, the easy peasy apps like Cymera from Playstore which allows us to only tap on screen to take photo is enough.

Lets be up to date and follow the current trend set.

Thats all for now, thank you for reading.

What are things girls cannot live without

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Believe it or not, girls cannot live without:
1. Deodorant. To stay in nice fragrance. Like nivea happy whitening.
2. Face powder. To stay glowing. Like johnson&johnson or silkygirl.
3. Face cream. As the concealer or foundation. Like safi face cream.
4. Lipgloss. To keep fresh red lips. Like Lipice.
5. Face soap. To wash away the makeup at the end of the day. Like safi face soap.
6. Iron. To iron the veil.

They need all these to look good. If you're a growing up teenager, dont forget to make them as a tips. Lets be pretty and the most important thing is love ourself.

Think positive and be positive.

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading.

How to be a good mother

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

First of all, dont be a hot-tempered person, dont be mad at all times, dont scold people or your child easily.

Be supportive, patience and open-minded. Be friendly. Be a friend to your child. Dont be their enemy. Make your child in league with you.

Dont pamper your child too much like all the time. Teach them to be disciplined person like be punctual. The earlier they be prepared the better it is.

Make them finish their work or homeworks. Teach them to be responsible. Teach them to be neat and healthy. Dont forget to teach them to read quran and to hold on to religious principles.

Dont cut the entertainment at home like tv, radio, internet, astro, novels or games. Just control them to not waste their time in vain. Prof Muhaya also once said that after doing hard work we need to listen to songs 1% of our time, to release our stress.

Why cant we cut the entertainment at home? Because we dont want our child to find happiness outside with their friends which we dont really know. Dont let them socialise too much. It is good to be antisocial actually.

Make your child to be good at their study by sending them to tuition or providing the education material like books, stationaries, and good food. Encourage them to love reading.

Tell and make them to be excel at study and religion so they can have a better life in the future.

Lets think and happy working on it. Thats all for now, thank you for reading.

Why girls love long dress/jubah

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Most girls like to wear long dress like jubah. Arab ladies wear them too including our prophet's wives. Do you ever wonder why?

Because they are simple to wear but covering our whole body and aurat. It comes in only one piece.

When you wear it, it shows no body shape. It looks proper bcz you cover your body thoroughly.

When you wear it, you will look even matured. You can wear it anywhere and at any places.

Most long dress is in black colour. Therefore, it can be matched to any coloured veils.

So, lets have another long dress like jubah. Be it in plain black, plain white, plain green or plain purple jubah. It looks sweet anyway.

Thats all for now, thank you for reading.

How to choose friends

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Alqamah is a companion of our prophet muhammad. He has told his son tips or guideline in choosing friends. Lets look at it one by one.

1. Choose a friend who protects his friend.
2. Choose a friend who appreciates your helps and mentions your advantages.
3. Choose a friend who appreciates your helps and if he knows your disadvantages he shut them up.
4. Choose a friend who when you ask for something, he will get it. When you keep quiet, he asks you first. When you are upset or in difficulties, he helps and entertains you.
5. Choose a friend who is always agree with you. When you asks, he will try to answer your questions. When you have misunderstanding with him, he will take first steps back from it.

Let's think and happy working on it.

That's all for now. Thank you for reading.

Why ppl love criticising

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

It is my dad's birthday today. My dad once told me that an Egyptian writer said, "if you dont want to be criticised, dont say anything, dont do anything, finally dont be anything."

1. Human being cannot escape from being criticised.
2. It is human being's nature to criticise, to build, and to ruin.
3. Being afraid to be criticised, we cannot do anything.
4. The never-sinned prophets also were criticised by people.
5. Criticism is the sign that you have a masterpiece or you have the creativity.
6. As said by a scholar, a criticiser is a mastermind/creative or a failed industrialist/entrepenuer therefore, he wants other people to be failed just like him through his critisicm.

Think and happy working on it.

That's all for now. Thank you for reading.

Why should we choose friends

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

We must choose who we are going to be friends with. First of all, we cannot talk bad things to others. Secondly, we must choose to not to be friends with ppl who loves talking bad about others. Why? Bcz if today they loves to talk bad about others, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow who knows they will not talk bad about you? You too must be sad if you heard that, right.

If you have friends like this, what you need to do is, i think, avoid joining to talk bad about others. If you have to listen to it too, just listen but dont take it to your heart. Make sure it is just like going in to the right ear and going out at the left ear.

In your heart, you must say "whatever...i dont want to take part in doing sin which like eating other ppl's flesh" as what our prophet muhammad s.a.w. has told us.

That's all for now. Thank you for reading.

Why should we be good exemplary

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

If you want something to be in the way it should be, first you have to show others especially your juniors or your younger generation the best example. Dont just say and you dont even do it. Why?

Bcz the youngsters will feel annoyed with you stressing them doing good but you yourself dont apply it. They surely may be angry with you. Plus bcz of confusion, these youngsters will follow your misguidance. They think if you can do it like that, why dont they just do like you did.

I know you must be confuse regarding to what am i talking about. It is general. It can be anything that you think the youngsters should do according to your preferences. But you yourself dont apply it by coincidently or intentionally.

I am not just reminding you, but i am reminding myself too bcz everyone of us will be the senior generation to the youngsters.

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading.

Why some ppl choose to be antisocial

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Personally, i choose to be antisocial bcz i cant endure ppl hurting my heartfeelings. The less we have contact with others the less we will hurt. I think this is why malay folks have this oldsaying "be moderate in friendship" meaning "berpada-pada dalam berkawan". We need friends to be happy but not all the time. I think we can say allocation time with friends should be 1% from our daily life. I dont know.

It is better for us to mind our own bussiness rather than be with our friends all the time. Fill our free times with our own hobbies. If you love reading, go read. If you love playing games, go play games. If you love watching tv, go watch tv. If you love writing journal/novel, go write. Even if you love cleaning your house, go clean your house.

Find a healthy & fun hobby. When you are happy & love yourself then others will love you back. Thats the law of life. It is like that.

Thats all for now, thank you for reading.

Nasi Lemak recipe

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Lets try my auntie's secret recipe!

2.5 cups of rice, a packet of coconut milk, a lemongrass (serai), a tasteful of salt.

To blend:
3 garlics, 5 big onions, A big thumb of ginger, A big thumb of galangale (lengkuas), 7 dried chillies (boiled and blended)

To fry (tumis):
Half of big onion (chopped), 3 garlic (chopped), 2 handful of ikan bilis, 3 tbs of sugar, a slice of asam keping, a tasteful of salt, small chilli (knocked).

1. Cook the rice. Knock the lemongrass and put in the rice pot. Mix coconut milk and the rice. Put a tasteful of salt.
2. Boil 7 dried chillies, blend and filter it.
3. Blend the garlics, onions, galangale (lengkuas) and ginger.
4. Fry (tumis) big onion, garlic together with anchovies and small chillies which was pounded earlier until their aroma spread. Make sure the flame is small, dont let the onions burned.
5. Put in dried chillies which has been blended in the frying pan just now. Put in as well the blended ingredients like small onion, big onion, galangale and ginger.
6. Put in one sliced asam (asam keping), 3 tbspoon of sugar, a tasteful of salt.
7. Let them until boiled, then use small flames until the oil broke.

Some tips, dont put water too much. The thicker (pekat) the gravy, the tastier it will be.

That's all for now, thank you for reading.