
Fatin Liyana's healthy tips

Assalamualaikum and good morning georgeous guys.

I am going to share with you Fatin Liyana's healthy tips. I am pretty sure all of you know who she is. If you still dont know, she is one of the famous girl blogger. Not just that, she is a model for magazines, as well as a medic student from UPM. A very excellent person, i know.

She has lose her weight from 51kg to 42kg in 6 months. Amazing, right. Now here's the tips:
1. Dont do crash diet. Meaning dont do diet suddenly.
2. Dont skip meals like breakfast, lunch and dinner. Just reduce the portion.
3. Dont eat junkfood. If you're hungry, drink milo or take bread only.
4. Be active. Choose stairs instead of lift/elevator. Park your car a mile from you.
5. Dont do strenuous exercise if you cannot do. Just do slowjog but make sure it is more than an hour. If you do nonstop walk 4hours everyday, you will lose 15kg in a month.

A book says, an effective weight reduction is 0.5kg a week. Meaning that, it will be reduced and will never increased.

Thats all for now, thank you for reading.

Shrimp trickle (cucur) recipe

Assalamualaikum and good morning to all masterchefs.

This time, I am going to share with you my mum's secret recipe.

A packet of flour
2 tbs of sugar
1/5 tbs of salt
Small chopped cabbage (kobis dihiris halus)
Small chillis (cili padi) cut in half and remove the seed
Small chopped shrimp (dont peel)

1. Mix them all with a ladle (senduk) properly.
2. Ready to fry!

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading.

Spiced fried chicken recipe

Assalamualaikum and good morning all junior chefs.

I am going to share with you my auntie's secret recipe.

8 chicken thighs (peha ayam)
1 tbs of white cumin seed (jintan putih)
3 tbs of sweet cumin seed (jintan manis)
2 tbs of corriander seed (biji ketumbar)
5 small onions
3 garlics
2 thumbs of ginger
Salt sugar and turmeric powder

1. Wash chicken with flour and then drain it.
2. Fry white cumin seed, sweet cumin seed, and corriander seed without oil until we can smell their nice aroma. Use small flame and dont let them burned.
3. Pound (tumbuk) the fried seeds with garlics and onions and the ginger.
4. Pour turmeric powder, a tbspoon of sugar, a tasteful of salt (garam secukup rs) and then smear them on the cleaned chicken. Mix them.
5. Marinate them for at least half an hour.
6. Ready to cook!

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading.


Why men be silent

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Girls just loveeeee to talk talk and talk. But boys or men are the opposite. Lets check out why they are so silent at times.

1. Having trouble. A man is an ego person in his life. No wonder he will does his best to solve his problem without other ppl's help. But if there is no solution, he chooses to be silent bcz he's stress due to the problem.  

2. Talk about marriage. A man will be silent bcz he doesnt believe he has to carry a big responsibility in his life. He always think whether he's ready or not to be the head of the family. Thus, during the engangement or couple of months before the wedding, most of them will be weird.

3. Heartbroken. That is the sign which his heart is hurt. Most of them will keep silent when his love is being lied or he's the one causing it. At time like this, as his friend, you should give him some space for him to think. Only after two days later, you can try to talk to him.

4. Going back to his parents-in-law house. Just look at your man when he's at your parent's house. He will be less talking and when he's talking he will talk in a low tone. Sometimes they choose just to be in the room rather than talking to their parents-in-law. If your man acts like this, it is better for you to ask him to not be called the "out of tune monkey". Haha.

5. Meeting his exes. When he's with you, and he suddenly meets his ex. Automatically, he'll be speechless. He might be reminded of his past. Thus, ladies, dont freak out.

6. When his secret leaked. All men face this. He will be silent when his secret leaked. Some will be silent for couple of minutes before creating 101 excuses. But for a gentleman, he will be silent more rather than giving excuses bcz he doesnt want the situation to be more complicated. When you're cooled, then he will explain the truth.

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading! :)

Why men hate a woman

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

You must be worried if you know that men hated you. Lets look at how men can hate a women and avoid doing things which can make men hate us.

1. Loves to talk bad things. Not only she's fussy and hard to pleased, she also loves to gossipping and talking bad about someone elses. Not just that, woman like this loves to complaints. Nobody likes to be by her side. Men surely will go away from her.

2. Diet freak. A woman like this will be restless when she wants to eat something. She will complaints about her body weight, she will refuses to eat anything bcz of her body calorie rate. Actually, getting diet and choosing a healthy food is relevant, just dont over do it. Bcz being a diet freak is one of the way to make the men go away from you.

3. Hates her parents-in-law. Everyone agrees that only some lucky person get their dreamed parents-in-law. If you are one of the unlucky person, that makes sense. Many ppl feel that they cannot fit with their parents-in-law. Somehow, you still cannot talk bad about them or insulting them. They are still your man's parents. If you cant talk well with them, it is better for you to just be silent.

4. Workaholic. Men dislike a workaholic woman. Especially when she always talk about work everytime they going out. Men dont want to hear about what you did at office. They want to know what's your favorite, the way you view life, or the way you view himself. If you are busy doing your job how can you find time for your man?

5. Being an advisor. Some women think that they are the fortune teller in advising other ppl. They think everything is going to be well according to her guidance. This kind of women is hard to pleased. Men will stay away from her. No man will endure her endless babble.

Times of India

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading! :)

How to be a lovely person

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Everybody loves a lovely person with a lovely heart. Now, let us be one. With me, i am going to share with you the list of how to be a lovely person.

1. Have a clean heart. Dont be annoyed easily. Dont hate other ppl's easily. Remove the negative attitudes so the honesty and sincerity shown from your heart.

2. Be positive on other ppl. Dont be prejudice easily.

3. Make an effort. This is very important. If possible, apply for "flower bath" so your face looks glowing.

4. Pray to god. Recite the verse of 1000 dinar in about 3 times and QS Yusuf, the fourth verse, each time after 5 times prayer.

5. If you are talking to a man, dont be too harsh and dont be too soft. Men really hate it if a lady talk harshly. In their heart, they will say, "hope only the face is pretty, but the mouth is too bad, not a chance to bring to functions!"

6. Loving and caring towards other ppl. Dont be a selfish person.

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading! :)

What are tips for single people

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

I know most of us have been single for a while or for a long time. Here are tips for people like us. Huhi.

1. Dont let yourself to be alone. Dont be alone. Maybe what you need is some time to be alone, but actually, you need a company. When you let yourself to be alone, you are prone to get stress and depression problem.

2. Reward yourself with something that is interesting. You should realize that you are greiving inside. If you are greiving, there's nothing you can do. Thus, you should reward yourself with something which are cheerful and interesting.

It can be like going to a new place far from your home. That might helps reducing your lonelines. Or, buy a priced thing to yourself as a reward, bcz you manage to be single.

Some prayer for single ppl:
“Rabbi laa tadzarnii fardaw wa anta khairul waaritsiin” (QS. Al-Anbiyaa’ [21]:89)
Meaning: "O god, pls dont let me living alone, and you are the best heir/inheritance."

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading! :)

How a girl loves you

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Do you ever wonder how a girl loves you? Here it goes.

1. A girl will contact you no matter it is morning or evening, day or night. If she tells you she's busy 24/7, that means she's not really into you. If she's really into you, she will contacts you even just for a while.

2. She dares to sacrifies for you. Try to borrow her money or her belongings. If she's wiling to lend you her money or do anything for you, that means she's willing to do anything for you to be happy. That means, she doesnt want you to be in difficulties.

3. If she's being jealous when you're talking about the other girl, that's a positive sign. That means, she doesnt want other person to be in you and her life.

4. She will introduce you to her friends and family. She will be proud telling about you to her friends. It's even more if she brings you to meet her family. That means your relationship with her is getting serious.

5. She takes care about your family and yourself and she knows about your origin. She also knows about your birthday and very alerts with your private matters.

6. She's showing her interest towards you when you are talking. Her mind and her concentration is only for you.

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading! :)


What are tips to study

Assalamualaikum and salam suria cinta haha.

Before study:
1) Recite study prayer.
2) Inhale. The oxygen will reach to entire body and will trigger the mind. We will be more energetic and feel the tranquility.
3) Sit tight. Sit a bit forward as if we are listening to an interesting story.
4) Determine the topic. We should determine what topic we want to study at the moment.
5) Determine the number of pages or chapter to read.
6) Determine the duration of studying time.

During the study:
1) Point your reading with your finger. Like reading the qur'an.

2) Understand and imagine. Our mind will be active constantly. For example, if you are reading about haji/pilgrimage. Imagine the form or apperance of the ka'abah, and further talk to other congregation. By this, we are actually using both of our right and left mind.

3) Take a break. In every 30 minutes, take 5 minutes to rest. Dont watch tv or listen to radio. Rather, drink mineral water or take a walk at the garden or do some light exercise such as muscle stretching.

Some doa to add knowledge:

اللَّــهُمَّ انْـفَعْنِي بِمَا عَلَّمْـتَنِي ، وَ عَلِّمْنِي مَا يَنْـفَـعُـنِي ،وَزِدْنِي عِلْماً ، الْحَمْدُ للَّـهِ عَلَى كُلِّ حَالٍ ،وَأَعُوذُ بِاللَّـهِ مِنْ حَالِ أَهْلِ النَّارِ

"O Allah, please give me benefit on everything you taught me, and pls teach me what benefits me and pls add my knowledge, i am grateful to you on everything, i am asking for your protection from the hell."

101 Prayers From Hadis Sahih Holy Book, Telaga Biru Sdn. Bhd.

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading! :)

How to be succesful

Assalamualaikum and good morning everbody.

1. Be optimist. A succesful person always be confidence to her own self potential to br successful. This confidence gives an injection of inner strength to herself. Always say "i can do it!".

2. Dont be pessimist. A successful person didnt be pessimist which always losing hope and surrender before beginning to fight. Dont fade your spirit. Dont predict the losing before war. If you dont try, losing is definitely in your hand. If you dont try, you wont know.

3. Be responsible. A successful person have an awareness and prepared to carry a responsibility as a person who are being the hope for her religion, nation, country, family, and society in the future.
Family dignity, society and country in the future depend on current teenager generation. A successful person noticed this and definitely they struggle their efforts so the goal can be achieved.

4. Be focus. A succesful person will give her full attention to her study. Not being serious in studying is a less succesful person's attitude. In the future, this person will later be played and cheated by educated ppl. It would be more unfortunate if they were played and cheated by uneducated ppl like their own kind.

5. Start early. A successful person do and early preparation for her exam or any test. The early preparation will differenciate between a successful and a failure person. This early preparation can be like doing revision, having discussion with friends, asking for teacher's advice, reading the answer model books, and etc. Dont be a "jumping down midwife" in the exam hall.

6. Always be prepared. A successful person is always be prepared facing any test or exam. A succesful person is a person who are capable to face any exam anytime. An excellent person will say yes to any exam.

7. Complete tools. A successful person completes her study tools like reference books, exercise books, stationary, note book and etc.
The spirits only is not enough to achieve success. Incomplete tools will burden the study and will weaken our spirit to study continuosly.

8. Be punctual. A successful person will be punctual to her study time such as coming to her class on time and go home only after given permission to that.
This will trains a person to be disciplined. When the person has a discipline, it is easy for her to be discipline in her study as well.

9. Getting helps from lecturers. A succesful person will try to get helps from her lecturers or from her classmates if she were absent from her class.
For example, if the person are sick, she will asks for notes or lecturers explanation from her classmates or her lecturer.

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading! :)

How to avoid fights

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

I know all of us has been in fights with other ppl around them. I found this tips during my blogwalking. Lets try these tips and look whether it is effective or not. Lets hope they are helpful bcz being in a fight is really unpleasant.

1. Dont be sulky. Its better not to be sulky. It has no use at all to solve the problem rather, it makes your problem getting worst when other people didnt care about your sulking.

2. Dont be judgy. Judging others will never solve the problem. It is not even helping the peace process, rather, it helps ruin relationship prosess even faster. If you intend to make up your relationship, dont be too judgy.

3. Dont find other ppl's faults. Looking at other ppl's faults will never bring solution. It is better for you to take some times and look at your own flaws before pointing others.

4. Start to make peace. If you really want to make up your relationship, make first step to make peace. If other ppl reject your effort bcz they really dont want to make up the relationship, that is not an issue. At least, you have the effort to make peace.

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading! :)

Why are we feeling empty

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

A non engrossed heart can lead us for carelessness. This leads to unpleasant in fulfilling devotion.

When there is no pleasant in doing devotion, the prayer that we ask has no soul, determination, and strenght. Our soul will be filled with the misdeed and brought ourselves far away from god's blessings.

Some factor which contribute to that direction is the ignorance. Everything is connected with one another.

According to Ibnul Jauzi, some tactic which was planned by the iblis to make ppl go astray is by them learning small things which is not that important in religion.

This is including learning ways to read syazzah (for qur'an) with the objective to showing off and to show you are skilled in that field.

Whereas, in terms of knowledge, there is no benefit to the muslim society.

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading! :)

How to have a good conversation

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Unable to engage in a conversation is actually a problem. How do we overcome this? Now, here's some tips.

Firstly, you should know that most of your scared feeling is just in yourself. To overcome this, you should form a healthy thinking image when you meet with other ppl.

Some individual view it as a frightening event bcz they worried they have to looked good in front of other ppl. More and more you think about this, the more frightening it would be. The embarass feeling towards other ppl come from this scared feelings.

In order to easen the conversation, begin the conversation relating to small matters with your listener.

Next, accustomize yourself by joining your favoured group or club. There are many group and club gathering actually. You can also attend any course or workshop for individual who has similar problem with you.

In building friendship, you can also do some charity work. Connecting via the internet as well is a good way to begin a friendship.

Beginning a conversation required you to do the first step. Dont wait for other ppl to greet or start the conversation. You have to take the initiative to greet them first.

Start the conversation with the simple and small things. Giving a salam or greeting (tanya khabar) is a good example.

A not judging attitude towards other ppl also helps a lot in setting the conversation and building the friendship.

Tell your friend that you didnt meant to be cold to her but it is your actual self and is in progress to change from a humble and reserved to a more friendly person.

Dont be too desperate in building a friendship. Give friendship space to evolve. You should be sincere too.

Most of the time, we think too much about ourself until we forgot to think of other ppl's needs.

We always think of what other ppl's perception on us, what we sould talk, and what we should do next. These are what stopping us from a good relationship.

What is more important is that, be yourself. Dont change yourself just because you want to get friends. You can tell your friend about who are you actually.

Psycologically, an individual can talk very well and interesting when they feel comfortable with other individual's personality. Therefore, it is no surprise when you are with your peer friends you can talk without having any problems

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading! :)

How to take care of a mother

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

A mother's heart is difficult to be keep but if we know how, understand her wishes, and know her behaviors, insyaallah a mother can be our bestfriend.

Importantly, we must have a thick patience, be understanding, caring, and show high respect to our mother.

Instill this pledge that our mother is everything to us, respect her wishes eventhough sometimes we disagree with her.

We should always realize and remember that mother's heart is very sensitive. Dont ever think that our mother has getting old, losing her mind or too conservative bcz these will create gap between a mother and her child.

Any misunderstanding or dispute will make her disappointed.

We as the child should learn from our mistakes, always do reflection on our speech & action.

1. Food are really sensitive to her. Everytime we eat, we MUST invite her eventhough we know that she didnt really eat that food.
2. Dont show you're smart in front of her bcz our capability begin from her. Dont ever hurt her feelings eventhough we are in the right side.
3. If she needs anything, try our best to get it immediately. Always listen to her sighs and try to fulfil her requests.
4. If she wants to go to a place, try to bring her there instantly eventhough we are busy.
5. Talk to her everyday. We should take this opportunity to tell our opinion but be careful, dont let her notices that we disagree with her bcz this will only spoil our conversation. If it is possible, ask for other family member to join the conversation.
6. Always massage her body if she complains and expresses her pain besides bringing her to see doctor. That's only when she agrees to see doctor, if not, slow talk to her softly.
7. Always be a good listener to her although you are not really interested in her story.
8. Discuss with her first if you are planning family program eventhough you are the head of the family.
9. Pray for her everyday bcz the prayers from a pious child are really needed by a mother, not the money or the wealth.
10. Dont forget to greet her everyday eventhough we are in a very tired body. Remember to treat her as our VVIPs.
11. Sometimes, buy her presents. Not the size of the presents that really matters to her, but the thought that counts.
12. Involve her in your family weekend activities.
13. If you stay far away from your mother, always call her, be it you're her child or just an in-laws. It is not a loss to pay our telephone bill for our mother which always waiting news from us. It is even more blessings our fortunes will be when we respect our mother.

If we stay far away from our mother, always go home to see our parents which always missing us.

If we give our wholehearted efforts, there is no reason for our mother to be disappointed with us. She will be tolerate with us.

Always make sure that she feels aprreciated even in her golden age. Always keep in mind that "the heaven is under her footprint".

May our children will do the same to us when we are old. Insyaallah.

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading! :)


Why a box can be a joke

Hi slm suria cinta and assalamualaikum haha.

What does it feel if you have to struggle to get an empty box from other ppl. Its kind of weird but it is funny too. This is not jz a tale, but a true story.

There is an incident happened which makes me want to remind you to be careful when shopping at spare part shop. This incident happened at Bintek Car Spare Part Shop at Taman Puchong Intan.

The shop is very weird bcz they sell car spare part goods without the box. Thing that we bought is not a small and light one, but it is big and too heavy to carry.

A week ago, my auntie bought a drive shaft from that shop. Unfortunately the stock was unavailable. They said that we have to wait in about an hour if we really want that drive shaft. A bit sloppy but thats okay, we went to somewhere else first while waiting for the ordered drive shaft.

A week later, my auntie went to get done her occasionally car service and to set the new drive shaft. Again unfortunately it was unfit. She had to go again to that Bintek Car Spare Part shop to get the right one.

The funniest part happened while changing the drive shaft. An old shop owner tried to take a drive shaft box which my auntie brought from home as the sample for her exact previous drive shaft.

My auntie tried to saves her own belonging. She told the old man that it was hers and she brought it from home.

Suddenly a younger shop owner came and said, "takpe ni i kasi u kotak drive shaft baru", but he still asking for my auntie's old drive shaft box. With a confusion, my auntie had to let her old drive shaft box.

Weird isnt it? Supposedly, they shouldnt ask for customer's properties. But they really are "box freaks".

Moral of the story, whoever go to the Bintek Car Spare Part shop at Taman Puchong Intan, pls dont bring your own spare part box eventhough you decide to bring as the spare part sample. Maybe it is enough by showing the photo of your old spare part name/serial number.

Dont ever give up your own box to them easily bcz the car spare part like the drive shaft is better be keep in its box to avoid the filthy stains from the black oil and also its easier to be carried.

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading! :)

What is a pull factor

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.:)

What do you feel when other ppl accusing u doing bad thing when you dont do that bad thing. What if that person is your mom? Too sad isnt it.

If your mom accusing you for intentionally reluctant to go to your parents home bcz of the old grudge. That is totally wrong bcz the child didnt hold any grudge.

If there is, it should be long gone forgotten bcz the child knows that the heaven and the success are placed under the mother's footprint and by her mother's blessings.

How to deal with a mother's like this? The mother who has this communication trouble. Not in term of mute trouble but didnt know how to communicate well without hurting the listener's heart.

A good communication is a comforting one and not hurting other ppl' feelings.

If in a communication exist the sharp teasing, condemn, insult, taunt, and ridicule, that is not a good communication. A really patience person will lose her patience when she was provoked like that.

Therefore, watch out your speeches. Dont hurt ppl's heart. A conversation which filled with provocation, it will flawed and fail the conversation.

Finally, ppl will hate and decide to avoid speaking to you. This is what called "push factor". It is such a negative trait which we should avoid bcz it will only lead us to lose our friends.

Try to be a person who has a "pull factor". When this person talk, she draws and attracts ppl to her. When she talks, she comfort ppl's heart. If she did hurting other ppl's heartfeelings, she will stop talking bad or she apologize.

Maybe the best way is to minimize having conversation with the ppl who has this push factor bcz the more minimum that conversation, the more minimum other ppl's heartfeelings will hurt or for the misunderstanding to happens.

That's all for now. Thank you for reading.


Why hard to understand

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Self-reflection. Allah holds our heart. Sometimes we dont understand what we are studying.

Not because we cannot understand, but because allah wants to remind us that we are far away from him.

Wamay yattaqillah yaj'al lahu makhraja. Whoever fears allah, allah will ease their works.

Ihfazillah yahfazak. Keep & remember allah, allah will keep & remember us.

Watch out your solat, watch out your talk, watch out your attitude. Do more good deeds & istighfar. May his blessings are close to us.

Thats all for now, thank you for reading. :)

Why people pau

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

The most intolerable thing for me. Kene pau. Pau means to be taken opportunity by someone.

Person who has no feeling of ashame when always asking you to pay everything for him. Starting from food, clothes, top up & transport fees.

Imagine how'd you feel when someone always asks you to spend your money on him. Adding that you are still a student & not working. Annoying isnt it.

We love to give charity but not by being asked all the time like that. The more we refuse to not taking other ppl's money, the easier ppl to feel comfortable to spend money for us.

If you want to ask for money pls ask from your parents or your older family members who has worked. That would be more appropriate.

And if you use other ppl's money, dont forget to pay them back if you want ppl to RESPECT you. Because nothing is free in this world.

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading. (:


Why some of freshgrads are jobless

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

As promised before, i want to share you some reasons why some of the freshgrads are difficult to get a job. They are:

1. Not fluence in english language communication.
2. Unprofessional. Beginning from resume writing.
3. Too choosy. Cannot fit with workplace situation.
4. No job offered.
5. A manipulative employer. Which offers too low salary.

Do you want to know what jobs that wil be offered for freshgrads until the doomsday ?
1. Accountants and bankers bcz currency system will exists until the day we die.
2. Doctors and nurses since humans are not dead.

Plus, teachers and educators since human's children are alive.

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading. :)

How to tackle commentors to our blog

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

After listing the reasons why our blogs can be so lonely, now lets look at how to tackle more and more commentors to our blogs.

1. Frequently leave comments to other ppl blogs.
2. Remove any unnecessary widget so your blog loading can be lighter and faster.
3. Remove word verification.
4. Ping your blog at busuk.org, blogr.my, fb, or at search engine.
5. Always say hi to other bloggers.
6. Publish informative entries.

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading. :)

How men love

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

This time lets look at how men show their love.

Men's love is totally different from women's love. So girls dont be sad if they didnt say they love you everyday.

There are only three ways men portray their love.

1. Profess.
He takes you out and introduces you as his girlfriend to his friends and family.

2. Provide.
If you are sick, he makes sure your medicine is enough, he cooks you soup, and makes sure you will be okay as before.

3. Protect.
He saves you from being injured or hurted.

Thats all for now, thank you for reading. :)

Why our blogs are so lonely

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

I know many of us will feel upset when we put our effort to publish entries but there's no one reading & leave comments on it. It is as if better not to publish in the blog. More sad, if we decide to leave blogging. This is not just a fairy tale, this truly happened to me.

So lets look at how come our blogs can be so lonely.

1. Blog loadings are too heavy.
2. Too much private entries like heartbreaks or abusive words.
3. Word fonts are too small and blurry or too colourful.
4. The existence of word verification.
5. Only google account can comment. Supposedly put anyone.
6. Lack of entries posted.
7. Lack of blogwalking so there are less permanent bloggerfriends.
8. Lazy to leave comments on other blogger's entries so other bloggers didnt comment on your entries too.

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading. (:

Why some of us hated malay novels

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

If last time i shared with you the advantages of reading novels, this time i am going to share with you why some of us hated malay novels. This is interesting which i myself didnt notice it until one day, i stumbled upon a blog.

1. The characters name are too fancy.
Many of their names are too european and not even sounding malays. Why cant we use for the hero and heroine names like idris, nuh, or hud and khadijah, fatimah, or latifah?

2. Repititive storyline.
It is like there are this pattern. Which if we read many many malay novels, we will find the similarities of the storyline in each of this malay novels.

3. Stereotyped character.
Why there are always the poor and the rich? Why would there necessarily be the son or daughter of dato' or tan sri?
Why would they portray the hero and the heroine handsome and gorgeous? Why wouldnt they create the characters are black, ugly, or cross-eyed?

4. Happy ending.
Why would there always be the happy ending all the time?

5. Not mind challenging.
Everything change easily. For example the bad mother-in-law suddenly turned into a nice person at the end of the story.

6. Bored theme.
It is always love. Cant it be quarrelling, action, thriller or anything else besides love only?

Actually not all malay novels are bad. For example the Jemari Seni novels, or Hlovate's, or the famous Fixi novels which i really eager to get it myself one day.

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading :)

Who is the ideal man for you

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

In searching of your soulmate, there are some ways and tips or guides to determine that someone is really an ideal guy for you.

So girls out there please dont rush, dont do wrong judgement, not necessarily the boys who talked or texted you once means he is the one for you.

Please make sure they do 10 of the listed below before you can give your trust and love them.

1. Really eager to know your needs, your life, your wishes and your future.
2. Be able to follow your rules and be careful with them.
3. Contacts you immediately after getting your contact number.
4. Paying your lunch.
5. Come on time when promised to meet.
6. Introducing you to his friends or family.
7. Agrees to attend your relatives gathering or colleagues events.
8. Can come to your house and meet your family and bring some gifts to cheer the gathering.
9. Be able to supports and protects his own family like a true man.
10. Want to have an exclusive relationship and agrees to date with you alone.

How to be an ideal woman

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

There are many types of woman nowadays.

Especially young girls who are immature or reluctant to be mature, young girls who like to laugh and be happy all the time.

And when they got problem they will cry and be broken and they dont know how to handle the situation.

We dont want that to happen, right. So lets try to prepare and instill ourselves some ways or tips to be an ideal woman.

1. Be respectable.
2. Wear clothes that appropriate with situation, pretty and cover the aurat.
3. Never let men touch our bodies.
4. Take boys contact number but dont give your contact number to the boys.
5. Be able to make nice and proper conversation with a man and his mother.
6. Be able to fit yourself in any situations like in a meeting, in a restaurant, or even sport.
7. Know that you want to get married and have a family and tell man in the beginning of your relationship with him.
8. Can be introduced to his friends and family.
9. Always smile and take care of yourself and try to always have a happy life.
10. Show appreciation on everything ppl did to you.
11. Be loyal.
12. Understand and respect your man like he's the boss.

Why am i so stress

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

When we were given assignment, it is our job and responsibility to finish it. In my case, i have finished mine and already submitted the assignment to my supervisor.

Now, it is her part to check my work and to comment on it. I dont know maybe she is so busy with her work until she forgot that i am waiting for her response.

Day by day goes by, and now it is almost a month. I am getting nervous thinking that maybe it is my mistake for not calling her asking about my assignment.

I am in dilemma actually. Should i make the first move to contact her or should i just wait for her to call me to come to her office to discuss about the assignment.

I was so relax while waiting for her to contact me. What i did was i sleep, i eat, i watch tv, i read novels, things that are so wasting my time. I start to regret my carelessness.

Tomorrow is saturday. The first thing i would like to do is contacting my supervisor. I am going to leave her a message, at least, saying that if it is possible, i would be really glad if she can see me on next monday morning.

Wish me luck pls. Tq.


How to be able to write or blogging

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Many ppl love to write or blogging. Not only women, but men too. But not all ppl can write actually. A stage where ppl cannot write is the stage called "frozen state of mind".

Let me share with you the secret to overcome this frozen state of writing. First of all, you have to read other ppl writings first. Be it other ppl's blogs or news articles. Read what makes you interested.

Later, maybe at night, before you sleep, try to digest what you have read. Or try to tell your readings to your friend or family. Discuss with them and try to get feedbacks from them. After that, try to write any keyword or sentences of your story.

Once you write you can never stop. The ideas will flow like a river. If you are writing for your blog please make sure that you write informative thing so ppl from all over the world can refer to your blog. Isn't it cool?

Dont forget to put also interesting pictures in your entries so it looks cheerful. Try once and you will surprise with yourself.

Dont forget to mind your manners

Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

Yesterday was the 1st of october 2013. It was the shittiest day ever, many bad things happened yesterday. However, let me tell you a story so we dont forget to mind our manners.

Yesterday, my auntie decided to buy me a pair of new sandal from Rorine Paris at Puchong branch. While we were browsing for the right sandal, a salesgirl with a pretty face asked me to move aside so she can get through the way.

What makes me feel insulted and not being respected was that she said to me "sane sikit" instead of "excuse me" or "tumpang lalu blh?". What makes me feel unrespected is that she is younger than me, she shouldnt said it like that to me. I told my auntie about that and she said "really?".

Moral of the story, if you are a salesgirl and you are young, please respect your customer added that your customer is older than you. There is no use if your face is pretty but your attitude is bad.

I know every human being is not perfect, but we can definitely change for the better right. This message is not for the salesgirl only but for all who read this including me.

Why reading novels is good

 Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

When we read novels, we make our mind continuously thinking. As from my own view, after i read novels, i can form longer sentences when telling ppl a story, i can also start telling stories to ppl around me.

Before this i have a weak story telling ability. I dont know how to make people understand what am i trying to say. I was also weak in writing essay. By reading novels both in english and malay, i start to have this ability to express my feeling and i am able to convey my message to my listener.

Just look at the advantage of reading novels. It is good for us actually. Just that you have to choose the right story. In my own preference, i love reading a funny story with the quarelling kind of relationship. I dont like too much lovey dovey story from the beginning of the story until the end of it.

Until now i have collected bunches of novels which i bought from KL bookstore in Jalan TAR. I love shopping novels there because they sell novels with 20% discounts. The bookstores name are Minerva.

And for english novels you can get them at Big Bad Wolf bookstore at Amcorp Mall, Kelana Jaya with cheaper price as well. Try and see for yourself i promise you will never regret. 

Some tips when doing MyKad

 Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

First of all, other than filling a form and rm10, all you have to do is come with a touch up face and a black/dark coloured veil.

I am sharing this with you because last time i had a nightmare doing mine. My mistake was i went to JPN wearing soft yellow veil. When i was asked to take picture for my mykad, i was told to wear black veil which provided there. I was very disgusted with the veil because it was lying on the floor in the public area. Just imagine how dirty it is.

Because of no choice, i wore that veil. What is more disappointing me was that veil is the lazy veil (tudung malas) with a sponge awning which indonesian maids often wear. I was so upset and shocked at the same time. Not to make things worse, i just went through the shooting session and went home with a mad and gloomy mood. 

After three weeks from that day, i came again to collect my mykad. My new mykad has the worse ugly image of me with that ugly black dirty lazy veil. I wad very sad looking at my "maknenek" look. Which i have to bear for another long time. Imagine how shameful it is when i have to use my ugly new mykad in every official matters like applying for job, getting married, and buying a car.

How to handle soft veil

Courtesy of: Tesco.com.my
Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody.

I believe many of us have a veil that is so soft and hard to form it especially the awning part. I have a lot of soft veil during my degree years. The secret is i used fabric starch from kiwi brand. It is very good and useful you know.

How it looks like?
It comes in a tall spray can. It has 2 types only. Regular and the other one if i am not mistaken is the lemon scent.

How to use it?
First we shake the can and then we spray some on the awning part of our veil. Then we iron our veil. And then voila. You will find your veil crisp and easy to shape according to your preferences.

How much it cost?
It is cheap.

Where to get it?
Any shopping complex like tesco, giant, and aeon.